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Arches Aquarelle Rough (RG)

kr 140kr 4,320 inkl. mva

RASK LEVERING: Varer bestilt innen 14:00 sendes fra lager i Norge samme dag.

Arches Aquarelle Rought Pressed (RG) er et klassisk kunstpapir med grov struktur perfekt for dem som jobber løst med penselen eller lager store tegninger med penner. Papiret er hovedsakelig beregnet på akvarellmaling, men kan også brukes til andre tørre og våte medium som grafitt, kull, gouache og akryl.  Kan bestilles i ulike størrelser som enkeltark, blokker og på rull. Leveres i en naturlig hvit utgave (Natural White) og en lys utgave (Bright White).


Arches-papirene er produsert i en såkalt «mould-made» papirmaskin i Vosges, Frankrike. Dette gir et håndlaget utseende, slik papiret så ut da papirmølla ble etablert i 1492. Metoden gjør at papirfiberne (100% bomull) distribueres i alle retninger og gir kunstneren bedre kontroll, og et mer stabilt papir. Papiret er gelatinlimt, noe som gir svært bra skraperesistens.


Se oversikt over alle Arches-papirene her.

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kr 4,320 inkl. mva

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Its 100 % long cotton fibre composition gives the paper its beauty, a natural, lasting whiteness and an inimitable touch as well as strength.

Exclusive to ARCHES®, gelatin sizing to the core preserves the lustre and transparency of the colours whilst preventing paints from penetrating into the paper. It allows superposing of washes and gives it added strength to resist erasing and scratching without tearing or linting. It also allows paints to be removed, either wet or dry, easily revealing the whiteness of the paper. ARCHES® Aquarelle can absorb a large amount of water with limited deformation.


Ideal for watercolour painting, as for all wet techniques such as inkgouache and acrylic.


Sheets, rolls, pads glued on the short side, block glued on 4 sides

100% cotton

The cotton gives the paper beauty, a natural, lasting whiteness and an inimitable touch as well as strength and longevity.


3 textures: cold pressed, hot pressed and rough. ARCHES® Aquarelle has an even, natural grain. The choice of texture will depend on the medium used by the artist. As a general rule, though, texture is a matter of personal choice for the artist, part of the process of artistic creation and expression.

185, 300, 356, 640 and 850 gsm

Exceptional bulk. Wide choice of grammages offering every artist the chance to choose the paper with the bulk best suited to his/her technique. Only ARCHES® offers such a high grammage paper (850 gsm) for special extra-large format work using extreme wet techniques.

Special formulation

Sized to the core with natural gelatin: a process exclusive to ARCHES®. ARCHES® is the only paper mill in the world to gelatin size its watercolour paper “to the core”. Even if it is soaked for a long time, the paper will still retain enough gelatin not to become too absorbent.


Natural white and bright white.

Sheets: authenticity and prestige

Deckle edges


Fungicidal treatment to prevent the appearance of mould. With alkaline reserve, acid-free, no optical brightening agents (permanent in accordance with ISO 9706)




Pads glued on long side

Pads glued on short side



109,2×78,8 cm 185G Natural White, 56×76 cm 300G Bright White, 56×76 cm 300G Natural White, 64,8×101,6 cm 356G Natural White, 56×76 cm 640G Bright White, 56×76 cm 640G Natural White, 105×75 cm 640G Natural White, 101,6×152,4 cm 640G Natural White, 56×76 cm 850G Natural White, 14,8×21 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 15 ark, 21×29,7 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 15 ark, 18×26 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 23×31 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 29,7×42 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 15 ark, 26×36 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 31×41 cm 185G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 14,8×21 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 12 ark, 21×29,7 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 12 ark, 23×31 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 12 ark, 10×25 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 15×30 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 26×36 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 12 ark, 20×26 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 18×26 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 20×20 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 29,7×42 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 12 ark, 23×31 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 31×31 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 26×36 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 31×41 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 36×51 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 41×51 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 46×61 cm 300G Natural White Blokk 20 ark, 113×914 cm 300G Natural White Roll, 130×914 cm 356G Natural White Roll

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